Australia’s very own Direct Instruction (DI) model, the Math Mastery Series (MMS), has been especially designed by Dr Rhonda Farkota for the contemporary Australian classroom.

While adopting the concept of a scripted lesson popularised by Engelmann and the University of Oregon, the Farkota DI model has modernised the delivery process, and streamlined the script concept, in a manner that strikes a balance between teacher-directed and student-directed learning.

The role of the teacher in presenting the daily lesson is to deliver, diagnose and debug. Students record their responses, represent their data, and report their bugs in the prescribed workbook. Because MMS is data driven, the workbook is a crucial element; it acts as a GPS enabling teachers to specifically target and track student-identified bugs. It also allows the teacher to monitor their own performance.

MMS programs (JEMM, JEMM+ and EMM) serve as daily diagnostic tools incorporating daily assessment as an integral part of the learning process.

MMSanimation is a voice-over with animation complement to the MMS programs. This online resource is perfect for remote learning.

JEMM Teacher Book
myJEMMdata - Student Workbook


Junior Elementary Math Mastery (JEMM) features 80 lessons composed of 10 strands: Whole number addition; Whole number subtraction; Number facts; Place value; Number patterns; Money; Measurement; Fractions; Time; Chance and data. Each lesson concludes with Strategic Thinking, a hands-on approach to problem solving.
Ideally suited to middle primary, and low-performing students.

Requires daily 20–25 minutes to implement, plus 5–10 minutes for instant feedback.

Junior Elementary Math Mastery+
myJEMM+data - Student Workbook


Junior Elementary Math Mastery+ (JEMM+) features 120 lessons, each composed of 15 strands: Counting; Addition; Subtraction; Multiplication; Division; Number patterns; Fractions; Decimals; Measurement; Space; Data and Chance; Money; Time; Visual perception; Problem solving.
Ideally suited to middle primary, and low-performing upper primary students.
Requires daily 20–25 minutes to implement, plus 5–10 minutes for instant feedback.
Elementary Math Mastery
myEMMdata - Student Workbook


Elementary Math Mastery (EMM) features 160 lessons, each composed of 20 strands: Addition; Subtraction; Multiplication; Division; Number patterns; Equations and inverse operations; Whole number properties; Fractions; Decimals; Measurement; Space; Geometry; Average, percentage, ratio, chance; Math language; Money; Time; Algebra; Visual perception; Data analysis; Problem solving.
Ideally suited to upper primary, and low-performing secondary school students.
Requires daily 20–25 minutes to implement, plus 5–10 minutes for instant feedback.

Each program, JEMM, JEMM+ and EMM, comprises:

Teacher Book

Contains presentation lesson scripts with exact instructional wording.

80 lessons
120 lessons
160 lessons
Elementary Math Mastery
Electronic Reference Stimuli (ERS)
Includes all visual diagrams, formulas and display material (free download provided with the purchase of Teacher Book).
680 ERS stims
1800 ERS stims
3200 ERS stims
EMM Electronic Reference Stimulus
Student Workbook
An academic journal where students record, analyse and map performance.
92 pages
124 pages
152 pages
myEMMdata - Student Workbook
JEMManimation JEMM+animation EMManimation
Voice-over with animation: the animations reflect that critical part of the Math Mastery Series lesson script (shown in coloured CAPS) requiring the teacher to point on the electronic display.
680 videos
1800 videos
3200 videos

You can access MMSanimation Lessons 1–10 freely.