
Play the video, listen to the voice and watch the animation; then answer the question directly into your JEMManimation prac journal, or myJEMMdata student workbook. Once the lesson is complete, return to the teacher to debug.

Note: A lesson will automatically proceed to the next question, or you can use the dropdown to select any question in that lesson. While viewing a lesson do not attempt to play another lesson without pressing pause.

These videos are best viewed in Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. If you are having trouble with connectivity, you can change the video quality by using the settings icon  in the bottom right of the video screen.

Refer to Implementation Plan for Teacher-directed MMSanimation approaches.

JEMManimation prac journal

Download your copy of the JEMManimation prac journal here.

*You need to be logged in to an active JEMManimation subscription to view all lessons.